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i love them
dhika ohmen myboy..i love him a lot.. love love love
inaattt... ade gue paling rese ngocol ngajak ribut belagu.,. haha... tapi baek dong ya.. kadang-kadang tapi.
he is my freak friends hahah.. but he is kind.. and stylish(dy yang mau)
canny..! she is nice person. haha.. she is smart, (jago inggris) cantik, baik, smuanyaaa deh.
wew, hahha, she's my friend at home.. melyn suka banget dipanggil mell.. hhahaha suka belanja oke.
teresaaa.... nice girl..
keneetthh, gauls person haha,, cantik gigi dipagerin yeah
gavril cantik pinter jago basket funny, ehm lebar haha
lidya c...gaulll nyaa.. dia tau smua yang baru ohmenn... baik, pinter,..niceeeee tmen gue yang paling suka ngatain gue.. uhm
teree.. haha sangar person, jago basket, kind, gantteennggg..
kresentia rebecca chitra haha... sebenernya gue baru kenal dia tapi anaknya asik gaul baik cantik jutek sangaarr hahah..
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